Ways Law Firms Can Use Videos

3 Ways a Law Firm Can Use Video Successfully

Law is one of the oldest professions in the world. It’s been around for centuries, but the field has changed with the times, new rulings, new laws and changing regulations are par for the course when you’re a lawyer. But lately, one of the new challenges that law firms face is the increasing need for online marketing, rather than or including traditional marketing. One of the ways that lawyers can market online is through videos, but in what way can they use videos to their advantage? Here are 3 ways a law firm can use video successfully:

Educational Resource

Many people don’t trust lawyers, mostly because they don’t understand the law, and believe that lawyers are trying to cheat them. By taking the time to make educational videos about common questions that lawyers are asked, you empower potential customers to educate themselves, show that you have nothing to hide and also get qualified clients because the basic questions will be answered already by the videos.

Case Studies

Want to show your potential clients your expertise? Make videos covering various cases that you’ve covered and won to show them that your firm is worth their money. Case studies give people real world examples of your success and by putting it in video form you avoid having a lengthy and intimidating write up that clients may not want to read.


The best way to convince prospective clients to hire your firm is to hear it from actual clients that have loved working with you. Ask former and current clients if they are willing to tape a short recommendation or testimonial to post on your website or social media channels.

Videos can be a real asset for law firms if they choose to take advantage of the new ways they can incorporate them into their business. Ask us about our video suites for law firms! viveca@hessconnect.com



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