Blogging Refresh for 2014

Blog Refresh Ideas for 2014

In this New Year it is time to overhaul, start fresh on your blogging content! Here are a few important ways to assemble a much-needed blogging refresh as you leap into a new calendar:

1. Design refresh

Launch a new theme and this may force you to create new content that mirrors the new design and flavor or the new you.

2. Narrowing the Focus

Have a roadmap if not for the entire year, at least each quarter based on what you/your company, organization is offering in terms of events, services, product launch. That way you will know what to expect, and most importantly, your audience will know and love to expect.

3. Valuable, Genuine Content

Take those chains off! Don’t publish daily simply to follow an editorial calendar, lessen the posts if you must but make sure it is coming from an inspired and genuine place.  As your audience gets to know you, they will sense if you are offering anything other than genuine content. If you just can’t seem to find “it” – brainstorm with others, and even with unexpected sources.

4. Change It Up

Want to find new inspiration? Come at otherwise mundane daily tasks with new eyes. By breaking habits, you fill find new channels to problem solve, expand your mind, and create new-found solutions. Take the longer, different route home, make a point of visiting new places even within your very own home town, city, village…

5. Pick up New blogs, Not More

If most of your blog feeds are going unread and no longer challenging, find new ways to stimulation. Stretch yourself into unknown territories and to paraphrase Steve Jobs “stay curious, stay hungry.”

