FB Shared Photo Albums

Facebook’s Shared Photo Albums

Shared Photo Albums By Facebook

Recently, during one of Facebook’s famous hackathon sessions, employees developed a new and exciting feature called Shared Photo Albums.

What are Shared Photo albums?

Shared Photo Albums allow multiple users to upload photos to the same album. The album’s creator can allow up to 50 contributors to the album, all of whom can share up to 200 images; raising the potential photo quantities from 1,000 to up to 10,000 photos

What Makes Shared Photo Albums Desirable?

Imagine you are at an outreach event and you forgot to take a photo of your booth but, you know the major sponsor of the event as well as other exhibitors/attendees took photos. With Shared Photo Albums, the major sponsor of the event can create a public photo album and invite the exhibitors/attendees to add to the photo album. You have now gained access to thousands of photos. In addition, you can look up attendees who were tagged in the album and connect with them on Facebook. Pretty useful if you ask us!

It’s as Easy as 1, 2, 3.

The feature is remarkably easy to use:

1. Upload your photos to an album and then click “Make Shared Album”.

2. Add collaborators to the album.

3. Set the privacy (public, friends of contributors, or contributors only).
