Understanding Your Social Media Demographic: Part Three Twitter

We are halfway through our five part series on understanding your social media demographic. In part one we discussed Facebook and last week in part two we delved into LinkedIn. This week we are uncovering the demographic of Twitter.

In 2012 of adults who utilize the Internet, 16% were using Twitter; in 2013 that number grew by two percent. By now, we can discern that the internet is here to stay and the steady rise in all social media outlets is a good indication that they will continue to rise in the years to come. The decision to use social media in your marketing strategy should be clear!

Twitter has a particular hold on younger demographics. You will see in our future article that Instagram and Twitter will have the most similarities in their demographic of usage.

Twitter is among the social media outlets that have the highest percentage of users who check it daily. According to research, over 46% of users check their feeds daily. 21% of Twitters users use the site weekly and 32% of its users check it less often.

Twitter is also used in conjunction with several other social media outlets. The graph below displays the percentage of Twitter users who also use other various social media outlets.

Twitter 1

Similar to Facebook the majority of users are female with 18% only slightly more than the male user at 17%.

Interestingly the white Non-Hispanic and Hispanic users are the same at 16%. Among Twitters users, 29%, are black, Non-Hispanic. Similarly the percentage of users that have some college and a college degree are the same at 18% and those with a high school education are at slightly less usage at 17%.

Twitter 2

Some interesting things to note: there is an increase in users among those of a younger age; however, use increases as incomes rise.

Twitter 3

As the data shows Twitter has some of the most interesting and diverse social media demographics. Twitter has even become so popular there are several smart phone that now come preloaded with Twitter apps.


To determine what the right mix of social signals are for quality growth and visibility for your particular business, reach out to us at 619 962-5504 for a complimentary evaluation. Refer to this article “Understanding Your Social Media Demographic: Part Three Twitter” for the gratis exchange.


We look forward to hearing from you!



