hessconnect: defining value for your law clients through content marketing

Defining Value for your Law Clients with Content Marketing

This month will be all about content marketing – because useful content should be at the core of all your marketing! Traditional marketing is becoming less effective and I want you to understand there is a better, more efficient, and more meaningful way!

First, what is content marketing? It gets used and misused all the time, so let’s set the understanding straight!

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

Instead of pitching your services, you provide really relevant and actionable content to your ideal clients to help them solve issues. Most marketers today use content marketing, and most large companies are implementing this as their primary outreach tool including P&G, Microsoft, Cisco, etc. It works equally well for smaller businesses and professional service providers around the world. Why? It works!

Now to see some great examples of what I’m talking about, CLICK HERE to view, download and share to ignite ideas and strategies. These are some of the best examples of content marketing so you get a better sense of what this looks like exactly!

These are the top three reasons your marketing / outreach budget should include content marketing…

  1. Increased conversions
  2. Savings
  3. Better clients with more loyalty

Any type of marketing is pointless unless you are providing great content. What is great? Depends on your particular niche audience. But, know that content marketing must come before and be defined ahead of any online marketing, social media or otherwise.

SEO rewards well for high quality, original and consistent content. Meaning, if the content you are offering is of high value to your defined audience, your online presence will get ranked more highly, and you will be found when someone does a search for your services.

Content is absolutely key to generating inbound traffic and leads. And, like most attorneys, I know you don’t have a ton of extra time to engage in outbound efforts to generate high quality clients. You may not want to spend most of your evenings and weekends out there trying to meet and nurture business relationships that may or may not turn into a good client fit for your practice.

Imagine if your ideal clients actually looked forward to hearing from you, learning from you, and spent time taking in the messaging you offer? Imagine!

The concept of content marketing has been around for hundreds of years, and is rooted in some very basic human nature. It is offering something that people want, that addresses their special needs, pain or pleasure points, educational or is inspirational. Not promotional, not touting how great you or your services are, but rather showcasing this indirectly through a keen sense of understanding your ideal audience in-depth!

By becoming a credible, authoritative source on matters that concern your clients closely, your practice is more likely to be discovered and you will earn their loyalty and trust. And, it is only at this point that they will pick up the phone, walk in through your door to ask for your help.

Magic bullet? Nope, as with anything else, it takes work, creativity, strategy, and consistency and persistence.

Now CLICK HERE to download some great examples of content marketing done spot on, and for your daily dose of inspiration.

Next week I’ll talk more content marketing strategy – so you have a plan and know when you’ve hit the mark for your specific law practice.




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