HessConnect: Lawyer Productivity Office Tools

Lawyer Productivity for The Office – Tools (Part 1)

When I talk about lawyer productivity the first thing that generally comes to (their) mind is how to streamline their office, procedures, client management, and efforts to grow their practice. However, there is another crucial element to streamlining your practice and healthily scale. This element is self-care, which is as, if not more, important as […]

HessConnect: A Story Narrative for your Law Clients

Content Marketing to Your Law Client Through a Story Narrative

A content marketing strategy which is what I’ve been chatting about on these last three shows is nothing without a story narrative that weaves us in, that makes us feel, that makes us willing to take a journey away from our day to day schedules. Just like the point of content marketing, story telling is […]

HessConnect: Your Law Client Content Marketing Plan and Strategy

Your Law Client Content Marketing Plan and Strategy

No one plans to fail, but fail to plan – and we know how that ends. In this episode I’m talking about having a plan and strategy for your content marketing. As mentioned in last weeks podcast, content marketing is all about providing useful, meaningful content to your clearly and specifically defined audience of prospective […]

Future Pacing LinkedIn Features for Lawyers

Future Pacing LinkedIn for Lawyers in 2019

As you may have noticed, this first month of 2019 has been all about LinkedIn newest features and how to leverage these to grow your law practice, position yourself more efficiently online, or build out your network generally. In this last segment for this month of LinkedIn’s newest features, I’m going to future pace. Meaning, […]

HessConnect: Zap your way to time savings.

Time Saving Zaps for Law Firms

This month I continue to to give you a few ways to easily implement automation processes into your practice focusing on internal processes through time saving zaps. Last week I discussed a few foundational aspects of determining what to automate (within your practice) and what to personalize (engagement). Why automate? To streamline your practice, save plenty […]

HessConnect: Automating and Personalizing Your Law Practice

Automating Processes, Personalizing Relationships in your Law Practice

FOR THIS MONTH OF JUNE the theme is all about  EASY-TO-IMPLEMENT AUTOMATING PROCESSES IN YOUR PRACTICE, so you can focus on lawyering and taking time off during the summer. Summer is definitely upon us! As a transplanted Swede (from darker, somber surroundings for about 9 months out of the year) no one appreciates the warmer ocean waters and […]