LinkedIn for Lawyers: So mjuch more than a resume portal

Wait, LinkedIn is More Than a Resume Portal?

This past week I presented on social media to the California Special Districts Association Annual Conference and I had an opportunity to chat with attorneys from various larger law firms who provide services to many public agencies across the country. As the eternal curious student I asked what they are currently doing in terms of engagement, and outreach to their relevant audience – in this case – stakeholders from public agencies including general managers, staff, and directors. I mean they were there at the conference setting up a booth and rubbing shoulders to keep themselves visible and relevant to their target audience. And, this presence was not inexpensive. Some stated they had a marketing department or point person who handled outreach. So, I guess they don’t know and/or care much in terms of expanding their client base. Most however, responded to what they are doing, if anything, online that they had a website. Ok, so you have a static bookmark online – and remind me again when it was last updated or how much traffic it was actually attracting? And, how about that LinkedIn presence – how are you using this exactly?

Here is the audio version from the The Social Lawyer Show (itunes) if you’d like to chime in this way…
  The Social Lawyer Show podcast







Of course, the most relevant online platform of all social media channels for most attorneys is LinkedIn, so I had to ask. Many responses when I asked about whether they made any use of their LinkedIn Profile, simply said “well I have a job at __ firm, and so don’t really need to use my LinkedIn Profile…” Wait, what? This really caught me off guard – are there really attorneys that still believe the only thing LinkedIn is good for is as a resume/job posting portal???  So, just let me get this off my shoulders….

Here are just a few of the most relevant ways LinkedIn specifically helps attorneys and firms significantly amplify their efforts to generate highly qualified leads…And, with over half a BILLION users, LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network and THE digital business card of the 21st century!

1. Networking! Connect with fellow attorneys, lawyers you meet at events/conferences/CLEs, clients, potential clients

2. LinkedIn is also a treasure trove of news, information, and data to help you develop business. Join relevant LI Groups and have real-time access to content on all sorts of legal topics important to your practice. LinkedIn also gives you insight to other lawyers and professionals that you may want to work with as part of your practice.

3. LinkedIn is a great channel to showcase and share any meaningful content to provide value to others, whether other lawyers or prospective clients.

4. Finally, and here is one that no attorney I’ve spoken with thus far realizes…Everything from your Headline to your 2000 character Summary if done really well is ranked and show to not only searches within LinkedIn, but ALSO to Google. For some attorneys and firms, they’ve spent thousands of dollars optimizing their website SEO or in Google Ad Word campaigns. Meanwhile most have missed the opportunity to search engine optimize their LinkedIn profile for better, wider and more relevant views by their target audience!

Now, optimizing your Summary takes some practice and tech know-how and your sort of busy lawyering, so if you’d like a cheat sheet to hit the necessary points of an optimal Summary, pick it up right here (by clicking on this link): 

LinkedIn for Lawyers – Summary Optimizer Checklist

LinkedIn for Lawyers Summary Optimizer









And, you can always find me on, wait for it, yep, LinkedIn under my own name Viveca Hess. I’d love to connect so reach out to me for any LinkedIn or online marketing questions related to your law firm and business development, or just for introductions, exchanges, and comments.



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