HessConnect: A Story Narrative for your Law Clients

Content Marketing to Your Law Client Through a Story Narrative

A content marketing strategy which is what I’ve been chatting about on these last three shows is nothing without a story narrative that weaves us in, that makes us feel, that makes us willing to take a journey away from our day to day schedules. Just like the point of content marketing, story telling is […]

Lawyers Get Niche-Picky

Speak to everyone and no one. Lawyers Need to be Niche-Picky!

Caveat: If you are not interested in building your practice, increasing your client base, or growing professionally, stop listening, reading, or following this! However, if you are looking to evolve your practice listen up! Realize this – you cannot be all things to all people! Sure, becoming a practice-area expert results in more legal matters, […]